La base aerea di Ramitelli - Myouth - Ricordi degli anni '70

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La base aerea di Ramitelli

Modellismo > Aerei > North American P-51D "Mustang"
Aerodromo di Gelendzhik (Геленджик)

Era la masseria dove risiedeva il comando americano e aveva anche funzione di chiesa ,teatro,sala riunioni dove si spiegavano ai piloti le missioni da compiere. Nella foto un gruppo di piloti dopo un briefing e in partenza , escono dalla prima porta a sinistra della masseria , si intravede il pozzo che nel corso degli anni ha cambiato forma

Ramitelli air field was a temporary airfield southeast of Campomarino in the north of Apulia, Italy.

The airfield was built by the United States Army Corps of Engineers in early 1944, as part of the Foggia Airfield Complex, a series of World War II military airfields located within a 25 mile (40 km) radius of Foggia. It had a single runway and made use of farmhouses around the airfield as operations buildings. It became the home base for the Fifteenth Air Foces 332nd Fighter Group, the 'Tuskegee Airmen'. They used the airfield until the end of the war, and served with distinction in their red tailed P-47 Thunderbolts and P-51 Mustangs. After 15 May 1945 the airfield was used by 523rd Air Service Group and 949 Air Engineering Squadron. It closed in Oct 1945, after which it was dismantled.

Pista di volo Cutella tra Termoli e Petacciato

Pista di volo Madna,Nuova Cliternia

Pista Canne



Ecco una rara foto di un 332° Gruppo Fighter P-47. Un ex-52° FG P-51 ottiene un po ' di manutenzione mentre sullo sfondo si siede un P-47 D argento con un coda rossa distintiva. Foto: La collezione Craig Huntly.

WW II Crew Chief working his magic on his aircraft - North American P-51B/C Mustang - 332nd Fighter Group, RAMITELLI, Italy 1944-45...

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