Il pilota Teruhiko Kobayashi - Myouth - Ricordi degli anni '70

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Il pilota Teruhiko Kobayashi

Modellismo > Aerei > Kawasaki Ki-61-3 Hien "Tony"
Il pilota dell'aereo del modello è il maggiore Teruhiko Kobayashi

Teruhiko Kobayashi

During World War II, Captain Teruhiko Kobayashi was the Japanese Army Air Force’s commander of the 244th Sentai (“Flight Regiment”). His Sentai claimed 73 Allied B-29 combat “kills. By war’s end, Kobayashi had a dozen kills to his credit. He has been the youngest Sentai commander

Maj Teruhiko Kobayashi and his Ki-61-I Tei of 244th Sentai, Japan 1945

Maj Teruhiko Kobayashi
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